Black Friday Flash Sale

Quick! Use the code blackfriday21 for 40% off EVERYTHING for the first month!  This discount is active from NOW until the 28th of November. Don't be late! Grab your discounted server now! Don't miss out on this fantastic deal. Only until the 28th of November.      * Excludes domains, dedicated servers and reseller packages. Only valid on ... إقرأ المزيد »

26خ نوفمبر 2021
Reseller Announcement

Interested in starting your own hosting company? Interested in providing your own hosting solution to your clients? Well, look no further! Here at VoltHosting, we have a huge range of reseller services with our website hosting reseller being our newest addition!  Start your own hosting company with our virtual private server (VPS) reseller or ... إقرأ المزيد »

25خ أكتوبر 2021
Release of cPanel and Plesk Reseller packages.

Recently, we have been getting an influx of demand of clients who are requesting a website hosting reseller solution. You may have seen on our discord server a few channels appear regarding our new packages but we cannot hide it any longer. Nowadays, creating your own cPanel or Plesk server is very expensive and can take a large amount of time. ... إقرأ المزيد »

22و أكتوبر 2021
VoltHosting Is Three

VoltHosting was made in 2018, July and it is now its third birthday. We have come far since creation, offering many services which serve people across the globe.  We have accomplished an exceptional amount over the last year and we hope to continue to provide an exceptional experience to every client.    For the next 24 hours we will be ... إقرأ المزيد »

22و يوليو 2021
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